
"You don't have to control your thoughts, you just have to stop letting them control you" - Dan Millman

Welcome! Glad you're here.

Did you know that 95% of our lives are governed by our sub-conscious mind? The majority of our daily decisions, emotions, and behaviors are only 5% directed by conscious awareness. 

Oftentimes, focus is placed on past life experiences or the future; therefore, a combination approach that includes mindfulness (being present) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (thoughts influence behaviors) is useful to assist with reframing in the present moment. These techniques help with grounding and appreciating the now moment while identifying belief patterns that are a hindrance. From there, the journey to reshape your self-concept and form new beliefs can begin. 

Aspire 2 Better provides therapeutic and coaching services for the everyday person who desires change. 

If you are feeling stuck and want more out of life, I’m here to assist you with setting goals, overcoming limited beliefs, and identifying the right self-concept that will propel you forward in life.

Through virtual counseling, coaching, e-courses and additional tools, we offer services that are accessible and affordable whether you are insured or private pay. You may also join the Aspire 2 Better community for additional free resources and worksheets to help jump start reprogramming your mind. 

You have already made the right step by seeking out a qualified therapist. In this very moment, you are making a life-changing decision to improve your overall mental well-being.  

I’m here for you.

 ‘Positive vibes only’ isn’t a thing. Humans have a wide range of emotions and that’s OK”. – Molly Bahr

“To shift your life in a desired direction, you must powerfully shift your subconscious”. – Kevin Michel

Hello! I'm Ayana!

Being an African-American women, I’ve sometimes struggled with self-esteem issues and not feeling worthy of the life I truly desired. This was mostly because I allowed how others viewed me to influence and determine how I viewed myself. It wasn’t until I gained a better understanding of the power of self-concept that my life began to change. It was during this time  I realized how much power I have within to create my desired life and that my life was a direct reflection of my self-concept and worth.

Self-concept, simply put, is who you think, believe, and feel you are. Self-concept varies across different areas of your life. For example, you may have a healthy self-concept as it relates to money but a poor self-concept as it relates to relationships. I would like to help you get on the path to creating your desired life. It is possible. It can happen and all it takes is awareness and belief. 

As a Clinical Social Worker/Therapist, I can help you get on the path to achieving the life of your desires. Whether you want to lose weight, improve relationships, or attain certain career/ financial goals, I’m here to help. 

I use a combination approach of Cognitive-Behavioral techniques, mindfulness (living in the present moment), and solution-focused practices to help you realize limiting beliefs and formulate a clear path to your goals. So, ask yourself, “Who am I and who do I desire to become?” The answer will provide you with insight into areas of your life that needs a deeper look. 

As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for the past 17 years, I’ve  developed an understanding of people’s needs and the skills to help those that may need an extra push. This time around, I want to provide you with tools for more long-lasting change. By examining your self-concept, lasting change is increasingly possible.  I believe in the power of the mind, setting intention, challenging limited beliefs, and improving self-concept and I want to make you a believer too.

Ready for the next step? Schedule a free email consultation below. 

Aspire 2 Better - Where improved self-concept becomes reality.